Rajathanthiram: The Piano Ogomovies, The story revolves around a special piano that holds a precious secret. Many years ago, a man by the name of Arumugam received a wooden box as a gift from an anonymous Englishman for his kindness. Upon inspecting the wooden box further in his house, Arumugam discovered a precious pink diamond, with no intention of selling the diamond, he and his piano-maker friend designed and built a custom-made piano that has a secret compartment that can only be unlocked by playing a unique tune. Arumugam splits the tune into four and teaches his four children separately. Years passed and Arumugam developed Alzheimer’s disease, forgetting about the piano’s secret, neither his family had any knowledge of it but things started to go for the worse when several dangerous and mysterious figures found out the piano’s secret and went after Arumugam’s family for the diamond.